Medication therapy

Pharmaceutical Treatment


Non-steroid anti-inflammatory medications are used to treat inflammation processes in joints. In long courses, they are applied against rheumatic diseases, in short ones – for degenerative-dystrophic disorders. These medications are produced in forms of gels and ointments.


Corticosteroids are supplied in form of pills and indicated for autoimmune processes management or as intra- or paraarticular injections. Till recently, physicians were suspicious towards intra-articular insertion of corticosteroids due to their adverse effect on articular cartilage.


Synthetic and immunobiological drugs serve as the Basis therapy to suppress immune system’s activity. They are indicated in rheumatoid arthritis and other collagenoses.


Puncture of a joint is carried out with a local anesthesia for therapeutic (to remove blood, pus, excessive synovial liquid) and diagnostic (to obtain material for bacterial and cytological analyses) purposes. Sometimes, after the puncture a medical substance could be inserted into the joint. After the procedure, the joint should be immobilized.


Puncture of a joint

Puncture of a joint


Antibiotics are expedient for cases of purulent arthritis (as a rule, combined with a surgical intervention – arthrotomy) and those caused by urogenital and other bacterial infections.


Medications to decrease the uric acid level are indicated for gout patients.


Chondroprotectors – drugs facilitating the articular cartilage recovery – could be administered as pills, sachets, intramuscular injections, or into the joint in a case of deforming arthritis. 


Хондропротектори – препарати, що сприяють відновленню суглобового хряща, призначають у вигляді таблеток, саше, внутрішньо-мязевих ін’єкцій або вводять у суглоб при деформуючому артрозі.