What are the reasons for these blood circulation impairments: virus-related micro-thrombosis or corticosteroids used to manage the expressions of the coronavirus infection?

Published: 30.09.2022
How COVID-19 affects joints?

How COVID-19 affects joints?


We have faced a situation where having had a coronavirus infection, some patients complain about the ache of joints, especially hips and knees. Examinations discover significant progress of arthrosis-associated changes in senior patients, while younger, without any previous diseases, show signs of blood flow disorders in their articular surfaces, a form of aseptic necrosis. The last situation bothers orthopedists most because aseptic necroses frequently require arthroplasty at a young age. What are the reasons for these blood circulation impairments: virus-related micro-thrombosis or corticosteroids used to manage the expressions of the coronavirus infection? This matter is still understudied.

On the photo: MR-image of hip joints of a 45-years-old woman nine months after COVID-19: signs of aseptic necrosis of femoral heads (2-3 stage).

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